Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another weekend gone by

I can't believe it is already Sunday night. We had another busy weekend with hardly any time to relax. Saturday was a busy day as I had Nina's baby shower in the afternoon and then a suprise birthday party for Tyler at night. We didn't get home until just after midnight and didn't make it to bed until 1am. We are so not used to be up that late!

I didn't get too much done today, lots of playing with the little man. We went on a long walk this afternoon with Lylah. He had a blast but it was so hot! His little cheeks were so flushed and Lylah was exhausted

Wes spent the afternoon helping some friends and Nathaniel was so happy to see him when he came home.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Road trip to mom and dad's

We have been planning a trip to visit my parents in Tennessee for a while. We have not been up there since mid January when I was still on maternity leave. When making the twelve hour drive to Tennessee we have found it to be easiest to leave after work and drive all night. It leads to an exhausted first day but at least we are there with minimal traffic along the way.

We had been planning to leave Friday, May 21st right after work. We knew the trip would be a tough one with a six month old, the dog and my sister. Space was at a serious premium. The day before we were supposed to leave Wes got a call and ended up having to fly to New York. He wouldn't be driving up with us, instead, we would have to pick him up in Nashville. I was nervous at the idea of not having his help getting up there but Amy and I were confident that it wouldn't be a problem.

We barely made it 90 minutes into our trip before Amy wanted to stop for food. I was aggravated at her wanting to stop, I hate road trips and don't care at all about the journey, I just want to be there as quickly as possible. Thankfully though, we stopped at the Ft. Drum service plaza and I noticed that the right front tire looked low. Great. This was going to be fun. Thankfully, it was only about 7:30PM and a maintenance guy at the service plaza helped up out and inflated all of our tires before we were off again.

We drove about another 90 minutes before Amy thought she felt the tire was low. We stopped to get gas at the service plaza and sure enough the tire was low again. After a little begging we were able to get a FHP officer to help us out and change the tire. Once the tire was changed we were on our way, vowing only to stop when completely necessary.

The remainder of the trip was uneventful. We made it to my parents at about 6:30am. I was so happy to finally pull in their driveway and they were certainly ecstatic to see us, and more importantly, Nathaniel.

Nathaniel & Grandpa - 5/23/10

Starting out

After avidly following several other blogs I have decided to stop being envious of those who keep a blog record of everything and start one of my own.

I can't believe that Nathaniel is six months old already. Earlier this week while talking to Corinna at work I told her how I barely remember him being tiny. He is already more of a child than a baby. I feel like time is flying by. I know, every new mom says that time feels like it is flying by and it is so cliche but it really is true. Looking back at pictures of him from when he was first born to today show such a difference.

One day old- 11/26/09

Six months old- 5/26/10

Wes and I took Nathaniel to his six month check up this week. I can't believe he is six months already! He is right in the 50th percentile for weight at 17lb 4oz and literally off the charts tall at 28 3/8inches. He is average height, for a TEN month old! Where did my tall baby come from?? And blue eyes? Who would have thought???

Life as a mom is crazy, I feel like I never stop and my ultimate goal every day is to make it to bed before 11PM but it is always worth it. He lights up my life in a way I could have never imagined and I wouldn't trade one sleep deprived moment of it.